Another day in Dogville

my day to day life living with 3 minpin, 1 rott/lab mix, 2 cats....

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A day with no dogs

Here you go... James and Rosie the cats of the house. I dropped the dogs off early at Noah's Arf as I was paying for a full day so they might as well play for a full day... So the cats have had the run of the house..

They love no dog days. it's been oddly quite, but kind of nice to not worry about them. my flight is at midnight... and i'll be back on sunday... blog you then. :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Not such a dull day after all

UPS dropped this off today... it is a gift from our lender Countywide.... They are so nice.. I think they spent more in shipping this thing to us then we did on them to close the loan... :)

However it's really nice so i'm going to display in in our front yard... Dogs no peeing on the welcome stone....

Other art that will soon be on display in our home.

the artist is Curtis Settino and more of his work can be seen at Bridge City Comics on Mississippi street.

Small dog on a big bed

We have a new dog bed... It's HUGE... And I guess only fits one minpin at a time. Sammy is curled up in the middle of it right now.. Dogs are funny. I would get up and take a picture to share with you... But I have two other dogs laying on me at the moment, plus the bed is black so it's hard to see the dogs laying on it as they are also black...

On other fronts. I prund the tree that the tweakers attacked. It looks better now... and I weeded the yard by the driveway.. it was way overgrown... I want to mow the grass but i think it's going to rain more so it might have to wait until I get back from tampa.... I think i'm going to bring the dogs in early to Noah's Arf tomorrow so they can have a full day of playing.. they have been so tired after being there for 6 days... Once I start working I'm going to try to bring them to day care at least once a week... they need to get out more..

don't you love reading about my day to day life... it's kind of dull..

UPDATE: Here is a photo of Monk on the new dog bed... he's easier to see then the pins...

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I'm back.. and boy are the dogs happy.

well I got back yesterday.. the dogs are happy to be home again.. Little do they know that I'll be dropping them off at the kennel again later in the week.... have to go to tampa, fl for my grandmas 85th birthday... I'm happy to say that they have not forgotten their housetraining!!! in the past i've brought them home and they have made messes in the house.. not this time at least so far... :)

we got some new ink in San Diego... and I got a bathing suit that i won't be posting any photos of. I don't think that is anything that you all need to see....

miss matt as always... but it's all for the good of the world...

Saturday, June 18, 2005


So i've decided to not bring my laptop to San Diego on this trip. I don't really need it as most days are going to be at least 12 hours of none stop work.. so what would I need my computer for.. it's really going to be like fasting.. no dogs, no cats, no computer.... I'm going to have a ton of email when I get back.... of course it's all going to be junk mail.... I'm really going to miss my doggies... but I'm super happy I get to spend time with Matt... it will be really nice to have a whole week with him.. except for the work part of my trip it's going to be like the honeymoon we never got to have...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Chain Reaction

It's 5:30am... well it's not really but just picture it is. I'm taking the dogs out to go potty and then it time to eat. as i'm getting monks leash ready (he can't go outside without it or he sometimes jumps the fence) monk steps on Dash's back leg making him cry out in his little bubby pain.. my first reaction is.. grab my poor little bubby and make sure he's okay... and as I do that and make sure his leg isn't broken.. I realize that Sharona and Sammy have started an all out fight... sharona has her pinned on the ground.. it's really ugly.. I grab sharona by the scruff of her neck and pick her up.. she's barking like a mad woman.... I put her on the steps behind the baby gate and try to get everyone to calm down.. Sharon is still barking....

After taking everyone out and feeding them.. it seams they are all okay.... i'm really surprised that Sammy doesn't have any bleeding wounds...... Dog skin is thick... I had to learn the hard way that not to EVER grab Sammy when they fight.. We've had Sharona since she was a puppy and she learned to NEVER bite a person... But Sammy comes from a different background... And she will bite you as she's only seeing RED when she's pissed off....

But what a fucking morning.. i was going to stay up and try to break this habit of going back to sleep until 10am.. but i didn't I went back to bed.. i got up at 9:30 however so that is a step in the right direction...

Needless to say... I'm super worried about when I have to board the dogs. Sharona and Sammy will be in different runs so they should be okay.. and I need to remember that dogs are not the same when they go away from their homes... alot of times they act a lot better around other people.. lets hope that is true.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Look at what some DB tweaker ass hole did to the tree outside of my house.. what the hell.... I hope whoever did this has a slow painfull death by the hands of mother nature... and then I want one of the dogs to pee on him... and I had to pick someone else's dog poop out of my front yead.. I have dogs.. i pick up after my dogs... I'm really pissy today....Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

Away again

Well i'm going away again. I'll be gone for 6 days.. I'm going to board the dogs and i'm a little worried about that..... the last time we boared them was when matt and I went to Itlay last fall.. Dash didn't do so well.. he lost 1lb.. which is a lot for a minpin.. I hope he does alright this time... I hope they all do alright.... I'm a worried animal mom.... I feel bad that they won't be able to sleep in bed with me... and it's not like i'll be having fun.. I'll be working again... and 4 days after I get back I'm flying out to the east coast to hang out with my family for grandma's 80th birthday.. so the dogs get boarded again for 4 days.. they are going to be hating me... the cats get to stay at home and we'll have a pet sitter stop in to take care of them... I wish I could do that with the dogs but... that's just not going to happen. Maybe I can write off some of the boarding costs......

anyway. they have been okay... monk jumped the fence yesterday.. I wanted to kill him but I didn't.... we've been going out on walks the last 3 days.. I think that has helped a lot.... now I just need to get the pins to the dog park....

anyway... this is a dumb post....

Friday, June 10, 2005

Sammy and Dash play "big mouth". I think Sammy won. Posted by Hello

New dog toy

So after Matt and I got married we moved in together. His one comment about living with me was that it was like living with a college freshman due to the fact I just leave my clothes where ever on the floor at night when I'm getting ready for bed and don't really pick them up until it's time to wash them..... so before me moved to Portland we had a chair that I would put my clothes on at least to keep them off the floor... Well now that matt isn't here full time.... I'm back to leaving my clothes on the floor... I think the dogs are trying to take over for matt at nagging me to pick up my clothes as I've lost many a bra to the pins chewing on them and playing tug a war with them and breaking straps... I guess this is also how I lost my glasses last month... I have learned to put my shoes away however as Sharona LOVES to chew on shoes... Just need to not be so lazy at night I guess.... Plus I needed some new bra anyway...

So this morning.. We got up at 6am.. went outside, came inside and ate, went outside once more and then came back in to go back to bed for a while.. back in SD i would have stayed up and got ready for work and stuff... but now that I kind of work from home... I went back to bed.. I love this by the way.. what the hell was I thinking before.. getting up early all the time.. my body clock still wakes me up at 5:30 - 6.. but now it's letting me go back to bed.... anyway.. the pins did sleep for a while.. but then sharona and dash got up and started to play..

no big deal as long as no one is barking at me... Sharona...... the barking queen was barking at me.... 10 minutes I tell her.. then i'll get up okay.. now SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! No go.. still barking.... FINE! i'll get the FUCK up.... so i sit up in bed and my hand lands on a piece of paper.... I look at it.... the first thought is "boy matt is going to be mad at me." and my second thought is... "boy that was dumb of me.. i know better. wish i was less lazy sometimes." in my hand was a ripped up 10 dollar bill... FUCK... 10 bucks out the window.... or at least into a minpin tummy... so i wonder into the bath room to find the jeans i had left on the floor just to make sure they didn't eat any coins.... and then I see the 20 dollar bill ripped up on the floor... FUCK now matt is going to be really pissed.... and I'm kind of pissed to, but what am I going to do... I didn't catch them in the act... that was a really nice 30 dollar dog toy.. I pick up the jeans and reach into the pocket to make sure there are still coins in the pocket.. yes there is. thank goodness they aren't as dumb as i sometimes think they are... and I also pull out 2 one dollar bills... WHAT THE FUCK guys.... eat the ones!!!! NOT the big bills! So then I look at them... and say... well you just ate the dog toys i might have gotten for you this month.. Hope you liked them.... it means nothing to them.. they are dogs, as my good friend Bruce likes to remind me... and i'm just a dumb lazy human who the dogs are trying very hard to train to be a good human. I think i might suggest they try clicker training instead of barking at me and destroying everything.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

oh what a day..

so... I started a new job today.. which i'm going to quit tomorrow... it's an okay job but I think it's going to be more then what I want to do....... what i really what to do is hang around the house and have the dogs drive me nuts and bitch about it to everyone who even bothers to read this. (matt)

I've gone thru a TON of emotions over quitting this job.. I feel bad.. I hate letting people down.. but I had to be at work today at 8am... FUCK NO i'm not going to work that early...... and the dogs were in their crates for 7.5 hours... i hate that.... so i went to talk to paula at Salty's dog shop.. I love paula.. she ROCKS!!!! I think other then a few people I know from when I lived in Michigan Paula is the closest thing I have to a freind here in portland. Paula if funny, nice, fun to talk to, a business owner, and loves dogs as much as I do.... So really what i'm saying is that paula is cool.... and i've very happy she spends anytime talking to me... :)

then I talked to matt and decided i needed to quit my new job.. then I talked to my mom who called to congratulate me on my new job and then i told her I was quitting... I love my mom as she's learned to just roll with the crazy life i lead..... she's very supportive and i'm lucky for that... i do lead a kind of odd like..

got over it.. sharona and monk spent 2 hours growling and barking out the front window... days like that I want to open the door and let those little fuckers run free....... but they are all asleep now... and super cute.. so i'll keep them one more day.

i miss matt... he's been gone for about 36 hours or so....

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I'm home.

so it's nice having matt take care of the dogs even though they drive him nuts.. but not really... when I'm home he LOVES them.... when I'm gone he HATES them.... I (Matt here, I don't"hate" them, but I do prefer when we're all together :-) I guess all meaning when I'm here with everyone...... he's fine.. anyway.. i'm home and I love being with the dogs.. matt leaves tomorrow and i'm not looking forward to it... I HATE being away from him.. however i am going to start a new job this week.. so i'll have something to do...... but i'll still miss him... but at least i'll have the dogs to sleep in bed with me.