Another day in Dogville

my day to day life living with 3 minpin, 1 rott/lab mix, 2 cats....

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


So.... it's been couple of days.... I got to san diego. worked for 10 hours and went to bed. the next day (monday) I worked for 8 hours. had a meeting, and then went to pick up my truck so I would have something to drive while i'm here in LOVELY san diego... Well on the way to pick up the truck Janice who was nice enough to give me aride to my car and I saw two dogs running in the road.. well dog rescue nancy needed to stop and get the dogs.. which we did. and I called the owner's nember and he came and picked up the two beautiful girls that were out for the night time run... One of them looked like my Monk so I has happy to love her up while we waited.. both dogs were great, and it felt good to get them to their owner.

well I got to the truck at about 11pm.. and drove a block and relized my tire was flat.... I called matt... "the truck has a flat" I think he thougth I said "you gave the truck a flat and now I'm screwed"... I didn't say that.. I said. "the truck has a flat".. what I wanted to her from him was "baby i'm sorry, lets figure out a way to get it fixed. I don't want my baby to have to be a lone and fix that by herself. I wish I could be there to help you right now." Instead I got "well change it." well I got it fixed with his help. Howie who is a friend of ours and his girlfriend gave me a hand they live right there.. and thank goodness that had a flash light or we would have been screwed.. matt was still mad at me so after I got the tire fixed with howie.. who matt called and asked if he could help me... I called matt and tried to get him not to be mad at me... after a few minutes we were all good... but my GOD what a day... also i the way back to the hotel I saw another dog out loose.. I wanted to stop and hlep it but I needed to get back. i feel bad I didn't help..... but people need to take care of their own dogs.. I can't help everyone.....

Today was a long day..... I miss the kids back home... Matt said Dash pulled up some of the new carpet and now the dogs can't go up and down the stairs... stupid bubby (dash).... I miss matt. I'll be home in a few days...

Oh i almost for got.. I got a job offer from a place i intervied at the other day.... I think I'm going to take it... if I don't like it... I'll quite....

must sleep.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

A week with no dogs

so i'm going back to San Diego to load in a show for good old SST.... joy... it's going to suck but the money is good.... sometimes I wonder what I was think.. quiting my job and moving to portland... I'm going to be really board once this project is done.... and not have any money coming in..... anyway...

so being back in SD means that I won't be at home with the dogs.. part of me is happy to be free from them for a little while. Somedays I just want to open the door and let the little buggers run free.... but I know tonight when I get into bed after traveling and then working 10 hours... and am trying to fall asleep.. i'm going to miss them..... and Matt, but i always miss matt... it was REALLY nice to be with him yesterday..... I'm happier when he's here....

i'm sure i'll post what it's like to be dogless for 6 days....

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I fell behind on the days.. i have no idea where I'm at.... Matt was here and then he went back to San Diego, he'll be here Saturday.... I had a weekend by myself, and now it's stopped raining.

I miss matt...

I'm writing this post as a kind of count to ten..... we were just out side.. and when i say "we" I mean me and the dogs... everything was going okay.. the neighbors where in their back yard so that was something for the little ones to look at.... then monk saw something on the other side of the fence that we wanted... i had his leash on him.. i always have his leash on him as he's gotten over the fence... F(*#ker... so the leash pulls out of my hand and he runs to the spot he knows he can get over... and goes for it.. I run up and grab the leash and pull his sorry ass down.. and it takes all I have not to kill him in the yard. I get all the dogs in the house and Sharona is attacking Monk because she knows I'm mad at him.. so I yell at him and squart her with the squart bottle to shut her up.... Then I send him upstairs and that is where he's sitting know.. at the top of the steps not with the rest of us... I'm really pissed off at the mement.. I f*#&king hate it when he does that shit.... I try to use positive reforcement to train them.. but I want to kill him for that.... I won't.. I love him.. that is why he's up stairs.... but F*#k....


I even went to the dog park with him this morning to play fetch, it was the first time sinc we left san diego....

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Day Three

Well everything was going really well today. Not one accidents in the house in the last 24 hours!!! Everyone had a good time today laying in front of the fire.. I did a bunch of work.. And then a few minutes ago.. Sharona was all excited because it was going to be time to eat and Sammy got pissed at her and they got into a big fight!!! Monk got all mad and started barking at them and I did my best to get them apart without getting bitten... For once... Now they are in their crates and need to stay there until they calm down. I'm so scare they are going to kill each other when they get like that.... Sometimes I think I need to put Sammy back in rescue... But I don't think I could do that... I do know there is no chance in hall that I can foster another female dog.. I would say those two go at it as least once a week. I can't deal with 3 females....

Matt is coming home for a visit for the next 4 days. I've not seen him in over 2 weeks so it' going to be nice to see him again.... I hope the dogs don't act up.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Day Two

got new glasses a week ago due to Dash eating my other pair.. I was in the shower this morning and he chewed on the lenes of the new ones.... insert bad word... so off to lenscrafers I go to get them replaced....

Monday, May 09, 2005

Monk is the sun. We think he's a rott/lab mix. he's smart but sometimes i have to remind myself that he is a dog... Posted by Hello
So today has been eventfull. I've gotten alot done but it feels like nothing... Oh and then Monk.. The BIG dog decided to try and mark in the house... WOW... I thought he was smarter then that.... I need to get these dogs re house trained.. the move was not good and they have not started to like the Portland weather...

Today they got a lot better about not barking.. I'm working on having them come when called and everytime they start doing somthing I don't want them to do.. I call them all to me and make them sit.. then they get a treat.. now this could back fire I could be teaching them to do stuff that bugs me so that I'll make them stop..... but I think I have that covered.. when ever I see them doing somthing good.. I give them a treat.. Hopfully they will catch on to that... here is a picture of the big dog....

Dash and I... He's my little bubby.. Posted by Hello

Day one

So I started a blog... I guess I'll tell you about my day based on how the dog are.

First the back ground on how all this started.
My husband and I decided to move from San Diego, CA to Portland, OR... so we sold our house, bought a house in Portland, I quit my job and I moved up here with all our dogs... we have 4. and the two cats.

I've moved to freelance designer for the company that I worked for back in SD so i've been busy working on stuff for them.. and I picked up a great part time job at a local dog shop called Salty's that is on Mississippi street.. I like working there it's lots of fun!!!

I've been here for 2 weeks.... my husband is moving up at the end of August as he's finishing some stuff up in SD.. he's trying to visit once a month or so.

That brings us to today...

I'm doing my freelance work and a little blogging...

the dogs are sleeping, in SD they would lay outside in the sun and bake themselves.. here in portland the sun is not the same so they are making due with the gas fire place... we put the dog bed in front of it so the pins.. OH. we have 3 mipins and a rott/lab mix... the pins like to lay in front of the fire and when they get to hot they move somewhere else to cool down.. it's kind of like a sauna for them..

so far today has been pretty good..not a lot of barking and they are leaving the cats alone... so i've been able to get some work done.