Another day in Dogville

my day to day life living with 3 minpin, 1 rott/lab mix, 2 cats....

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Look at what some DB tweaker ass hole did to the tree outside of my house.. what the hell.... I hope whoever did this has a slow painfull death by the hands of mother nature... and then I want one of the dogs to pee on him... and I had to pick someone else's dog poop out of my front yead.. I have dogs.. i pick up after my dogs... I'm really pissy today....Posted by Hello


  • At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tweakers suck and they are stinky. They have no respect for anything!! I watched a tweaker a few months back take out two trees with her car. My cubicle is perched right on 82nd and Division and that BITCH blew through two young trees and went careening into the parking lot. I ran out to see what was going on. She had a little fluffy white dog in the front seat, thank GOD the dog looked ok, just scared, I swear I would have grabbed it and ran. And now that I think about it, I probably should have done that anyway... So the security officer gets her driver's liscense and come to find out she's only 27 years old, even though she looked 45 years old. GROSS. Tweakers are yucky and irresponsible.


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