Another day in Dogville

my day to day life living with 3 minpin, 1 rott/lab mix, 2 cats....

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I fell behind on the days.. i have no idea where I'm at.... Matt was here and then he went back to San Diego, he'll be here Saturday.... I had a weekend by myself, and now it's stopped raining.

I miss matt...

I'm writing this post as a kind of count to ten..... we were just out side.. and when i say "we" I mean me and the dogs... everything was going okay.. the neighbors where in their back yard so that was something for the little ones to look at.... then monk saw something on the other side of the fence that we wanted... i had his leash on him.. i always have his leash on him as he's gotten over the fence... F(*#ker... so the leash pulls out of my hand and he runs to the spot he knows he can get over... and goes for it.. I run up and grab the leash and pull his sorry ass down.. and it takes all I have not to kill him in the yard. I get all the dogs in the house and Sharona is attacking Monk because she knows I'm mad at him.. so I yell at him and squart her with the squart bottle to shut her up.... Then I send him upstairs and that is where he's sitting know.. at the top of the steps not with the rest of us... I'm really pissed off at the mement.. I f*#&king hate it when he does that shit.... I try to use positive reforcement to train them.. but I want to kill him for that.... I won't.. I love him.. that is why he's up stairs.... but F*#k....


I even went to the dog park with him this morning to play fetch, it was the first time sinc we left san diego....


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