Another day in Dogville

my day to day life living with 3 minpin, 1 rott/lab mix, 2 cats....

Monday, January 16, 2006

My House AGAIN.. but that is Sharona.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


You Are Liz Phair!

Sexy tough indie girl...
Who's not afraid to be a little girly
"I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary
Average every day sane psycho

52 Figments

I'm going to give this a try....

52 weeks, 52 questions, 52 creations, 52 opportunities to think outside the box, make something up, ponder your most outlandish dreams and have some fun.

I need to use my mind more.

I guess that is good.

What kind of Sixties Person are you?

You are a Folkie. Good for you.
Take this quiz!

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